AERONET Web Services: New look and Tools

AERONET (AERosol RObotic NETwork) is a well known, most used aerosol observation system, which provides most reliable measurements of different aerosol optical properties from their ground stations around the world. Some time ago, AERONET team has updated their web services. The new look of website is really cool and site contains almost everything you want to know about AERONET and their data. It contains all of the major publications, which used AERONET data.

The most fascinating and very useful tool they have is ‘data synergy tool’. It is really amazing for quick research and great visualization of various aerosol properties from AERONET, satellites, models, LIDARs, ozone, back trajectory, and even weather charts over any particular AERONET station.

Here is link to the synergy tool

and link to the main AERONET page

So, take some time and admire the AERONET facilities available for atmospheric aerosol research community.

Personally, I really thank the AERONET team and congrats them for their great work and services.


Harish Gadhavi said…
any idea how many stations are currently operational in India?

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